Optimize health spending

An average company spends $3700 per employee per year on healthcare. Best-performing companies create a cost advantage of over $2000 versus the national average. Regular risk assessments are the key to controlling costs.

Employers have a unique opportunity to prioritize wellness and improve retention during COVID recovery

Challenges for employers:

college graduate

Build a foundation for success

Prevention is better than treatment. Chronic diseases cost US employers billions of dollars annually. Some of the main causes, like smoking, inactivity, and diet-related diseases can be prevented. Educate employees and start them down the path of healthy behavior change.

Survive the 'Great Resignation'

40% of workers are considering quitting their jobs. A recent McKinsey report states, “There’s been a fundamental shift in workers’ mentality, and their willingness to prioritize other things in their life beyond whatever job they hold.” Companies need to offer unique incentives and benefits to retain workers. Prioritizing their wellness is one great option.

The Healthy Life difference